Kitchen Appliances for Rs 1 at Flipkart

₹1 ₹5000 Loot Deal

Another pricing error by Flipkart. Get Kitchen Appliances for ₹1 Only at Flipkart. This is a pricing error, the order may get cancelled. Don’t think much grab the item as soon as possible before they get out of stock or price gets changed again. Delivery charge extra ₹40 applicable.

Update - 2016.09.24It seems all Rs1 products are now out of stock. Stay in touch for more loot like this, start our WhatsApp Loot Deals Alerts to start Send START on 7877997787 via WhatsApp.

Kitchen Appliances at Rs 1 at Flipkart - Kitchen Appliances for Rs 1 at Flipkart

How to buy Kitchen Appliances for Rs 1 at Flipkart?

  1. First of all, click Loot Deal to visit the offer page.
  2. Select the product and click on the “add to cart/buy now” button on the offer page.
  3. Either login or register for a new account if needed.
  4. Either select or add a new address.
  5. Finally, proceed to payment, make it online or order on Cash on Delivery if available.

Proof of purchase sent by one of the loot deals’ user.

Kitchen Appliances for Rs 1 at Flipkart Proof of Purchase  1024x222 - Kitchen Appliances for Rs 1 at Flipkart

Kitchen Appliances for Rs 1 at Flipkart
Kitchen Appliances for Rs 1 at Flipkart
₹1 ₹5000
Loot Deals