Participate In ‘Digitizing India’ & Earn Money An Invite From Govt

Digitize India calls for your participation

Any Indian citizen who wishes to become a contributor can sign up with the platform. A valid Aadhaar and Bank account are mandatory for signing up. Once the user registers, he/she can take an assessment of data entry & language proficiency. One can also practice to hone his/her skills.

Once the assessment process is complete, data to be digitized will be sent to the contributor as images. He/She is supposed to enter the data as they see in the image and submit.The platform will then approve the submitted work and the contributor will keep earning reward points for each approved work. The reward points will then be converted to earnings and then transferred to the contributor’s bank account.

Digitizing India - Participate In ‘Digitizing India’ & Earn Money An Invite From Govt

Your participation and contribution as a Digital Contributor will help the country to transform into a knowledge driven economy.

Our aim is to achieve the vision of Digital India, where every Indian is digitally empowered and every information is digitally available. Digitize India Platform offers an opportunity for government agencies to transform themselves into digital enterprises and for Digital Contributors, rewards for doing simple data entry jobs.

How it Works?

(Pixel to data transformation)

Scanned Document
1. All scanned images are shredded into snippets with meaning full data
2. Shredding done as per Organizations requirement for data digitization
3. Documents meta data information is maintained throughout the life cycle of the document

Digitize India Platform
1. Randomly serves snippets to contributors
2. Snippets are matched for converted data in the match engine
3. Correct entries get reward points for each correct words digitized
4. Platform organizes the snippet text digitized by contributors
5. Document are re-assembled and provided back to the organizations

Click here and Sign Up for the Digital India & Earn Money.

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